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Iran Rallying Millions of Martyrs? All for the End Times


LISTEN NOW! The Middle East is a cup of trembling at the moment.   On any given day you hear about civil unrest, terrorist bombings, and war.  John, Pat and Steve discuss a recent interview between the Host of the television program, It’s Supernatural, and guest Joel Richardson.  They discuss a new movie that was allegedly put together by all the religious leaders of Iran entitled the Coming is Near.  The movie is about rallying Muslims for what they believe to be end time activity as they wait for the Mahdi- the Islamic messiah.  They go on to say that they are calling for millions of Muslims to give their lives in martyrdom for the killing of Jews.  They continue to describe an Islamic Messiah that parallels what the Bible describes as the Anti- Christ.  They shared about coming conflicts and wars and the pursuit of a Caliphate, Islamic government for the world.  At the same time they share of the many Muslims in Iran that are converting to Christianity. 

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113Hl – 5 Iran Rallying Millions Of Martyrs All For The End Times

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If You Have a Net You’re just conditioning yourself for the Fall


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss how important it is step out and trust God.  No matter what the odds or statistics say, the only thing you need to be concerned about is what God has to say about your situation.  God responds to faith.  You will never see God show up in your situation if you are relying on back up plans.  Your faith is not in God but in your back up.  They continue to discuss a tightrope walker whose grandfather trained them to tightrope without a net because if you use a net he said you are just conditioning yourself to fall.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113Hl – 1 If You Have A Net Your Just Conditioning Yourself For The Fall (1)



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The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 4 of 6


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the fourth part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  In this part they discuss the responsibility of the President and how his main responsibility as the leader of the executive branch is to keep us free.  They continue to share how the constitution says what his job description entails and how it explains checks and balances for all three branches of power; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113Hl – 3 The Constitution- The Original Intent And Purpose 4 Of 6
Shutterstock.com/R. Gino Santa Maria

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Keep the Gospel Moving

The goodness, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is meant to be shared and spread throughout the earth.  However, many are stuck trying to share the gospel to the same people, in the same place, in the same way and getting the same results; no change.  John, Pat and Steve discuss how important it is to advance the kingdom and to share the gospel to those who receive it.  The Gospel works when it is shared and it is received. 

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WATCH! Boy Hears Father’s Voice for the First Time; Wait till you hear what he heard


LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Chris share about a little boy who heard his father’s voice for the first time.  The little boy’s reaction was priceless as his eyes were wide open.  They continued to share about their experience when they heard Father God’s voice for the first time.  We were designed to have fellowship with Father God and to commune with Him hearing His voice and obeying Him in everything He tells us to do.  John 10:27says … “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.” 

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113Hl – 4 Boy Hears Father Voice For The First Time Wait Til You Hear What He Heard
screen capture from youtube.com/UNC Health Care

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3-Year-Old Hears Father for First Time


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VFNRadio Second Hour June 21, 2013



Iran Rallying Millions of Martyrs? All for the End Times

LISTEN NOW! The Middle East is a cup of trembling at the moment.   On any given day you hear about civil unrest, terrorist bombings, and war.  John, Pat and Steve discuss a recent interview between the Host of the television program, It’s Supernatural, and guest Joel Richardson.  They discuss a new movie that was allegedly put together by all the religious leaders of Iran entitled the Coming is Near.  The movie is about rallying Muslims for what they believe to be end time activity as they wait for the Mahdi- the Islamic messiah.  They go on to say that they are calling for millions of Muslims to give their lives in martyrdom for the killing of Jews.  They continue to describe an Islamic Messiah that parallels what the Bible describes as the Anti- Christ.  They shared about coming conflicts and wars and the pursuit of a Caliphate, Islamic government for the world.  At the same time they share of the many Muslims in Iran that are converting to Christianity. 

Fear of the Lord: Obeying God for Who He Is 
John, Pat and Steve share about the fear of the Lord and obeying God for who He is not just for what He says.  They continue to share from Joy Dawson’s book, “Intimate Friendship with God through Understanding the Fear of the Lord”, in the book Joy shares  that “ God wants to bring us to the place where what He tells us to do is not nearly  as important as who He is who gives the order.”    If we put the emphasis on what He says than we are tempted to analyze what He tells us to do and see if it something that is agreeable to us instead of just obeying God and keeping that decision out of our head.  The safest and right place we can be in is in the humility and the fear of the Lord.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113P – 2 Xtra Hour


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VFNRadio First Hour June 21, 2013


   If You Have a Net You’re  just conditioning yourself for the Fall

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss how important it is step out and trust God.  No matter what the odds or statistics say, the only thing you need to be concerned about is what God has to say about your situation.  God responds to faith.  You will never see God show up in your situation if you are relying on back up plans.  Your faith is not in God but in your back up.  They continue to discuss a tightrope walker whose grandfather trained them to tightrope without a net because if you use a net he said you are just conditioning yourself to fall.
    Keep the Gospel Moving
The goodness, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is meant to be shared and spread throughout the earth.  However, many are stuck trying to share the gospel to the same people, in the same place, in the same way and getting the same results; no change.  John, Pat and Steve discuss how important it is to advance the kingdom and to share the gospel to those who receive it.  The Gospel works when it is shared and it is received. 

The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 4 of 6

John, Pat and Steve discuss the fourth part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  In this part they discuss the responsibility of the President and how his main responsibility as the leader of the executive branch is to keep us free.  They continue to share how the constitution says what his job description entails and how it explains checks and balances for all three branches of power; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.

WATCH! Boy Hears Father’s  Voice for the First Time; Wait till you hear what he heard

John, Pat, and Chris share about a little boy who heard his father’s voice for the first time.  The little boy’s reaction was priceless as his eyes were wide open.  They continued to share about their experience when they heard Father God’s voice for the first time.  We were designed to have fellowship with Father God and to commune with Him hearing His voice and obeying Him in everything He tells us to do.  John 10:27says … “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.” 

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62113P – 2 First Hour



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Are you Grumbling and Complaining to God? Is it working for you?


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share about grumbling and complaining to God.  They discuss how everywhere you look these days somebody is complaining about something.  People complain about the weather, where they live, what they drive, where they work you name it they complain about it but should this be?   In this highlight they discuss the root of where complaining has its origin as they discuss the journey the Israelite took and their grumbling and complaining to God.  They found out that God indeed does hear your complaining and He will give you what you want, you just may not want what you will get.  They share the importance of understanding that it’s not about us but all about Him.  God doesn’t revolve around us we revolve around Him.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Are you Grumbling and Complaining to God? Is it working for you?



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The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 3 of 6

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the third part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  In this part they discuss the role congress plays in creating laws and the powers they have as it relates to the constitution.   This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 3 of 6
Shutterstock.com/R. Gino Santa Maria

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The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 1 of 6
The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose Part 2 of 6


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Don’t get the Gospel “Twisted”

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss how important it is not to get the Gospel “twisted.”  Many people today have fallen for lies and have given up fighting for and holding dear the truth.  Many Christians today are accepting anything that is being shared from the pulpit.  We need to be like the Bereans who examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul was saying was true; Acts 17:11.   There is a false gospel being preached today and many people are falling to it.  We must not get the gospel twisted.  The Gospel is only good news if it arrives on time and “right.”

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Don’t get the Gospel “Twisted”
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Take off the Mask


LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat and Steve discuss Jefferson Bethke’s video blog message on, what mask are you wearing? They continue to discuss the masks people wear to cover up who they really are.  The mask is an image for what they want others to see or receive them as but it’s not who they really are.  When people marry they may be attracted to the outer image but what they truly marry is the content.  If we are wearing a mask with others we are probably wearing a mask with God.  It is okay to be yourself and allow people to accept you for who you are.  God sure does.  You are uniquely created; you even have your own set of finger prints.  Don’t settle for being a cheap copy but instead be the rare original God created you to be.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Take off the Mask

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