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Don’t Despise the Pain; God will use it to bring you into your Destiny if you let Him

LISTEN NOW!  Steve, John and Pat continue to share from John Bevere’s book, The Bait of Satan. They share how Joseph had repeated opportunities to be offended yet he understood by God’s grace that the damage that was done to him served a greater purpose.  This was Joseph’s response to the brothers who sold him into slavery,  “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.  For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping” Genesis 45:5-6.  Many times our trials and hardships usher us into our destiny if we don’t get stuck and despise what God has allowed in our lives causing our eyes to be closed to what God is desiring to bring us to. 

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The Constitution and Freedom – Part 5 of 6

LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat and Steve discuss the fourth part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  In this part they discuss the responsibility of the judicial branch and how their job is not to write the laws but to interpret them as to their constitutionality.  They continue to share how the constitution says what the job description entails and how it explains checks and balances for all three branches of power; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · The Constitution and Freedom – Part 5 of 6
Shutterstock.com/R. Gino Santa Maria

The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 1 of 6

The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose Part 2 of 6
The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 3 of 6

The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 4 of 6

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Dive Into the Abyss of God


LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve talking about diving into the Abyss of God.  There is so much to God.  They encourage us to refuse to stand by the shore and to look at others dive into God and the understanding of his Word and ways.    Refuse to be afraid of the unknown and take the plunge into the vastness of the heart of God.  They continue to discuss how maybe all the oceans that encompass the earth are a sign to us, a constant reminder of God’s unlimited nature.  They encourage us go deep and dive into God and all He has for us.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Dive Into the Abyss God
>Shutterstock.com/Rich Carey
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What is a Petabyte? One clue it’s not an animal


LISTEN NOW!  Pat, Steve, and John discuss what a petabyte is.  Good news it’s not an animal.  They share that a petabyte is a measurement of data storage.  Today with so many people having access to devices like smart phones, tablets, and computers they are capturing huge volumes of data.  They discuss at length how much data a petabyte can actually store.  The amount will actually shock you.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · What is a Petabyte? One clue it’s not an animal
>                                                                   Shutterstock.com/Asmus

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LISTEN NOW!  John discusses the Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on June 26, 2013.

Lying Tongues and Flattering Lips 

Guard your Heart from ENVY? 
Mursi, Egypt’s President, Takes Control: As previously Prophesied on VFNRadio 
Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on June 26, 2013



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VFNRadio First Hour June 26, 2013


What is a Petabyte? One clue it’s not an animal

LISTEN NOW!  Pat, Steve, and John discuss what a petabyte is.  Good news it’s not an animal.  They share that a petabyte is a measurement of data storage.  Today with so many people having access to devices like smart phones, tablets, and computers they are capturing huge volumes of data.  They discuss at length how much data a petabyte can actually store.  The amount will actually shock you.
     Priests for Life  Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi; Abortion is not Sacred it’s Sacrilegious
John, Pat, and Steve discuss since Roe V. Wade in 1973 there has been over 50 million plus abortions committed in the United States.  When broken down that means 3,322 per day, 138 every hour, and 2 every minute.  They discuss how the Lord has been answering our prayers, “Dear God, end abortion, send revival.”  They share how God is answering those prayers by some of the land mark legislation that has passed around the country.  Legislation in Florida like the Baby Alive! House Bill 1129 which protects the Life of babies born during a botched abortion, the bill in Wisconsin requiring an ultrasound before an abortion, or the bill that passed in the House that bans abortion after 20 weeks called the “Under the Pain Capable Unborn Children Protection Act, and now the state of Texas is aiming to put a bill in motion that would ban abortions in the state of Texas after 20 weeks.  According to detractors they allegedly say the bill would shut down 32 of the 42 abortion clinics in Texas.  They also discuss the open letter from the Priest for Life to congressional leader Nancy Pelosi stating that her comments regarding abortion and that abortion is not something that is sacred but instead sacrilegious.  They encourage the church to continue to repent and get right with God as we are seeing signs of the Lord responding to our repentance and prayers.

Marcus  Lutrell, Lone Survivor, Former Navy Seal, American Hero

John, Pat, and Steve discuss Marcus Lutrell’s story, a former seal and American hero.  Marcus had been training to be a Navy Seal since he was 14 years old.   He was assigned to a mission along with 3 other seals to kill or capture Ahmad Shah (nom de guerre Mohammad Ismail), a high-ranking Taliban leader responsible for killings in eastern Afghanistan and the Hindu-Kush mountains.  This mission ended with 150 Taliban fighters surrounding them and intense gun battle took place leaving Marcus a lone survivor.  Marcus said that he trained his whole career for that moment to serve, fight, and to give all that he had for his fellow soldiers and country.  John, Pat, and Steve continue to discuss how the church can learn from Marcus’s story and how we can train and prepare ourselves to lay our lives down for God.  They encourage us to be willing to let “self” die for the spiritual advancement of God’s Kingdom.  We want to invest all the life we have on this earth for the things of God.

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62613P – 2 First Hour


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VFNRadio Second Hour June 26, 2013




The Constitution and Freedom   5 of 6

LISTENNOW!  John, Pat and Steve discuss the fourth part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  In this part they discuss the responsibility of the judicial branch and how their job is not to write the laws but to interpret them as to their constitutionality.  They continue to share how the constitution says what the job description entails and how it explains checks and balances for all three branches of power; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.
Don’t Despise the Pain; God will use it to bring you into your Destiny if you let Him
Steve, John and Pat continue to share from John Bevere’s book, The Bait of Satan. They share how Joseph had repeated opportunities to be offended yet he understood by God’s grace that the damage that was done to him served a greater purpose.  This was Joseph’s response to the brothers who sold him into slavery,  “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.  For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will be no plowing and reaping” Genesis 45:5-6.  Many times our trials and hardships usher us into our destiny if we don’t get stuck and despise what God has allowed in our lives causing our eyes to be closed to what God is desiring to bring us to. 
    Dive Into the Abyss God
LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve talking about diving into the Abyss of God.  There is so much to God.  They encourage us to refuse to stand by the shore and to look at others dive into God and the understanding of his Word and ways.    Refuse to be afraid of the unknown and take the plunge into the vastness of the heart of God.  They continue to discuss how maybe all the oceans that encompass the earth are a sign to us, a constant reminder of God’s unlimited nature.  They encourage us go deep and dive into God and all He has for us.
    VFN Torch Top 3
John discusses the Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on June 26, 2013.
Lying Tongues and Flattering Lips 
Guard your Heart from ENVY? 

Mursi, Egypt’s President, Takes Control: As previously Prophesied on VFNRadio

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · 62613P – 2 Xtra Hour


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Video: The Great Commission and the Horrific Reality of Hell described by a man taken there


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Chris begin a discussion on the greatest responsibility of the church today, the Great Commission that Jesus gave and still gives his disciples today, found in Matthew 28:18-20.  They continue to share about this labor of love, the church’s charge and duty to tell the world about Jesus and to make disciples of all nations. They share regarding society today and how art and pop culture have determined how society views sin and hell. They are calling good things bad and bad things good.  They continue to share a recent poll from George Barna that although 71 percent of Americans believe that a place like hell exists only half of one percent actually believe they are going there.  Jesus said in John 8:32, “then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” It’s important for us to remember it’s the truth that we know.  If we don’t know about the realities of hell how will we know and how will we be able to share with others.  They continue to discuss Bill Weiss’ interview where he discusses how he was taken by God through an out of body experience and was able to actually experience hell.  He describes in horrible detail what hell felt like, what hell looked like and who was in hell.  Jesus spoke more about the realities of hell more than any other topic.  Everyone who is alive today can make a choice never to go there when they make the decision to repent from their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.   Make Jesus the Lord of your life TODAY!

Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · The Great Commission and the Horrific Reality of Hell described by a man taken there
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