Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain Heart of Nehemiah: Staying Faithful in Low Places, being sure they too are built up (Part 7 of 13)

Heart of Nehemiah: Staying Faithful in Low Places, being sure they too are built up (Part 7 of 13)

Positioned and Ready to Defend and Fight

LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat If God touches you with the heart of Nehemiah than maybe you can be used in helping the church.  However there are others who want their names in lights they don’t want to be in the low places.  We are only as strong as our weakest links.  If we are faithful in the low things God will reward us with more responsibility with higher places.   He then positioned people by their families.   Each family was to stay close to the walls to do their part as we work collectively towards the rebuilding of the church.  Every part is important for what God is doing.  

They remind us of the importance of staying in the word of God so that you can be fully armed.   Nehemiah tells them not to be afraid of them but instead to remember the Lord who is great and awesome.  Don’t be afraid it’s God who called you and it is God who will build it.  Fight for the family of God.  Fight against the wolves.  There are people who try “save” you from doing the will of God.  Nehemiah and the people prepared spiritually and physically.  God gave them wisdom on how to defend themselves.  All they did was do what God said to do.  When they saw the enemy back off; the people went back to work.  The Bible tells us in Nehemiah 4:16-18 that “From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. But the man who sounded the trumpet stayed with me.”  Be strong in the Lord in the full armor of God so that you can stand against the devils schemes.  The best way to defeat satan is to win people from the hordes of hell.  Stand after you have done everything.  Don’t forget to put on the full armor of God.   Fight this spiritual battle.   Tell your haters God loves them and has a plan for your life.




Torch Articles on Each Part:

  1. Heart Of Nehemiah: POWER Of True Repentance, What It Looks Like & FAVOR That Comes With It (Part 1 Of 13)
  2. Heart Of Nehemiah Know The SEASON, Ground Work For VISION, & CONFRONTING RIDICULE When Your Building (Part 2 Of 13)
  3. Heart Of Nehemiah: Time To Get On The FIELD & SPEAK The Same Vision, DON’T Let Them STOP You (Part 3 Of 13)
  4. Heart Of Nehemiah: The Battle Continues As You Build, But Don’t Let It STOP YOU; YOU WIN IF YOU DON’T QUIT, (Part 4 Of 13)
  5. Heart Of Nehemiah: Government Leadership STUCK, Because Church Leadership STUCK, Chuck Pierce (Part 5 Of 13)
  6. Heart Of Nehemiah: FINISH THE WORK! The Importance Of Completing The Work Till The Last Brick (Part 6 Of 13)
  7. Heart Of Nehemiah: Staying Faithful In Low Places, Being Sure They Too Are Built Up (Part 7 Of 13)
  8. Heart Of Nehemiah: Strategy From Heaven, Requires Building & Fighting To Succeed (Part 8 Of 13)
  9. Heart Of Nehemiah: Your Enemy Will FREAK OUT! And BEWARE Of What You SHARE! Part (9 Of 13)
  10. Heart Of Nehemiah: You Can’t Live Off The Repentance Of OTHERS (Part 10 Of 13)
  11. Heart Of Nehemiah: Heart Alignment And Acceptance Of The Leadership Of Jesus Part (11 Of 13)
  12. Heart Of Nehemiah: The BLAME GAME Doesn’t WORK, But Abiding With The Lord Does! Part (12 Of 13)
  13. Heart Of Nehemiah: Don’t Allow Someone IGNORING GOD Stop You From OBEYING GOD (Part 13 Of 13)

*we suggest listening to all segments for complete context


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