Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain Heart of Nehemiah: Time to get on the FIELD & SPEAK the Same Vision, DON’T let them STOP you (Part 3 of 13)

Heart of Nehemiah: Time to get on the FIELD & SPEAK the Same Vision, DON’T let them STOP you (Part 3 of 13)

Getting All in the Vision

LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss the importance of knowing that it’s about all of us rebuilding the wall more than just watching.  They encourage us to get on the field and decide to be a player in the game.  They talk about how those surrounding Nehemiah need to respond to the vision.  They challenge us to get started building.  It will cost you everything. 


Don’t fool yourself by thinking that by watching it you were doing it.  The church needs to wake up.  They encourage us not to skip this point because the rest is for not.  Don’t let the enemy convince you that you are doing something when you really are not.  They continue to underscore the importance of hearing what God is saying and obey it and to be all in. The people with Nehemiah said “we will do it we will rebuild the walls”.  At once came Sanballat to frustrate the plans of God.  Once they responded, Nehemiah began to share what God had laid on his heart.  No sooner was this revealed, Sanballat comes to discourage with ridicule and mocking.  No matter what the enemy throws at you; you must know the vision God has called you to and to stand against ridicule. 


  1. Heart Of Nehemiah: POWER Of True Repentance, What It Looks Like & FAVOR That Comes With It (Part 1 Of 13)
  2. Heart Of Nehemiah Know The SEASON, Ground Work For VISION, & CONFRONTING RIDICULE When Your Building (Part 2 Of 13)
  3. Heart Of Nehemiah: Time To Get On The FIELD & SPEAK The Same Vision, DON’T Let Them STOP You (Part 3 Of 13)
  4. Heart Of Nehemiah: The Battle Continues As You Build, But Don’t Let It STOP YOU; YOU WIN IF YOU DON’T QUIT, (Part 4 Of 13)
  5. Heart Of Nehemiah: Government Leadership STUCK, Because Church Leadership STUCK, Chuck Pierce (Part 5 Of 13)
  6. Heart Of Nehemiah: FINISH THE WORK! The Importance Of Completing The Work Till The Last Brick (Part 6 Of 13)
  7. Heart Of Nehemiah: Staying Faithful In Low Places, Being Sure They Too Are Built Up (Part 7 Of 13)
  8. Heart Of Nehemiah: Strategy From Heaven, Requires Building & Fighting To Succeed (Part 8 Of 13)
  9. Heart Of Nehemiah: Your Enemy Will FREAK OUT! And BEWARE Of What You SHARE! Part (9 Of 13)
  10. Heart Of Nehemiah: You Can’t Live Off The Repentance Of OTHERS (Part 10 Of 13)
  11. Heart Of Nehemiah: Heart Alignment And Acceptance Of The Leadership Of Jesus Part (11 Of 13)
  12. Heart Of Nehemiah: The BLAME GAME Doesn’t WORK, But Abiding With The Lord Does! Part (12 Of 13)
  13. Heart Of Nehemiah: Don’t Allow Someone IGNORING GOD Stop You From OBEYING GOD (Part 13 Of 13)

*we suggest listening to all segments for complete contextt0120x2414awh

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