Home Crisis Facebook Bringing in the Human Factor? Is Facebook replacing Real Relationship with Pixels on a Screen?

Facebook Bringing in the Human Factor? Is Facebook replacing Real Relationship with Pixels on a Screen?

LISTEN NOW! Facebook is not going away any time soon. Considering Facebook’s most recent development, is Facebook trying to take on a more ‘human’ feel? Alex Schultz, VP of Growth for Facebook, has a current task actually attempting to ‘code’ compassion into Facebook. When being interviewed by CNN Money, an interesting concern arises: “it’s hard not to see technology, like Facebook, as standing in the way of real-world relationships, as transforming people into pixels on a screen”. Do we want to be engaged in meaningful conversations and relationships or simply be ‘coded’ into someone’s page? True relationship is found outside of technology, with the people all around us. Hear the full report of what is happening inside of Facebook, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: technology, social networks, compassion, and conversation. John shared in this segment.

 screen capture from youtube.com/CNNMoney

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