Home GLM The Therapeutic Power of God’s Presence: Stories of Healing and Transformation – Miracle as Veteran’s Missing Hand Grows Back in Front of Him, Pastor John Kilpatrick

The Therapeutic Power of God’s Presence: Stories of Healing and Transformation – Miracle as Veteran’s Missing Hand Grows Back in Front of Him, Pastor John Kilpatrick

Rest, Healing, and Midnight Miracles: The Impact of God's Therapeutic Presence

Creating an Atmosphere of Glory

“The presence of God is therapeutic. It’s the most therapeutic atmosphere you can be in. Rest like I can’t begin to describe. Rest for the soul. Rest in your body. And you just don’t wanna leave.” Kilpatrick says.

In the realm of spirituality, the presence of God is more than just a concept; it’s an atmosphere that can be felt, experienced, and transformed. Pastor John Kilpatrick’s words resonate powerfully as he shares insights into the tangible impact of God’s presence. “God’s presence, I think, is an atmosphere,” he begins, “It’s an atmosphere that’s created. You want it, you ask for it, you talk about it.” Kilpatrick emphasizes the power of spoken words in influencing the environment around us. Just as we can speak fear or lack into existence, speaking of God’s glory and presence can usher in God’s glory presence.

From Fear to Faith: Impact of Spoken Words

In this age of uncertainties, Kilpatrick draws attention to the significance of our words. “Whatever you talk about will come,” he asserts. If fear is given a voice, it takes root; if lack is emphasized, it becomes a reality. Kilpatrick’s teaching encourages a shift in perspective towards speaking faith, healing, and the presence of God. It’s a call to create an atmosphere where God’s glory can manifest through our declarations and beliefs.

Divine Healings and Manifestations in Worship

Kilpatrick’s personal experiences during the Brownsville Revival shed light on the tangible manifestations of God’s presence. He recounts moments when worship was accompanied by healing encounters. “When God would move in to heal, you could feel heat come in the building,” he shares. Kilpatrick narrates a remarkable incident where a Vietnam vet’s hand, wounded in action, began to heal supernaturally during worship. God created, “knit his hand back together,” before their very eyes.  It was so natural, yet also supernatural.  Such healings, Kilpatrick emphasizes, are normal when God’s glory is present, reminding us of the supernatural possibilities within reach.

“The Blood: God’s detergent for man’s sin

The Anointing:  God’s authorization to do the works of ministry in the earth.

The Presence of God: Is the weighty, manifest Kabod of God, the manifestation of His presence.”

Beyond the Ordinary: Supernatural Encounters and Midnight Miracles

As the article delves deeper, Kilpatrick unveils the therapeutic aspect of God’s presence. “For me personally, yes, it’s powerful. Yes, it’s awesome. Yes, there’s healings,” he explains, “But it’s therapeutic.” He paints a picture of rest for the soul, a profound sense of well-being and tranquility that comes with encountering God’s glory. Kilpatrick draws parallels between the midnight hour and powerful encounters, echoing the significance of seeking God with all our hearts.

“The presence of God is therapeutic. It’s the most therapeutic atmosphere you can be in. Rest like I can’t begin to describe. Rest for the soul. Rest in your body. And you just don’t wanna leave.” Kilpatrick says.


Pastor John Kilpatrick’s words resonate as an invitation to experience the transformative power of God’s presence. His testimonies of healing, restoration, and encounters with the divine presence challenge us to speak faith, step beyond fear, and embrace the restorative atmosphere that comes with encountering God. Kilpatrick’s experiences underscore the truth that God’s glory is not confined to distant lands; it is manifesting powerfully in places like America and within our own hearts and churches. As we cultivate an atmosphere of glory, we can witness the miraculous unfold and lives transformed through encounters with the therapeutic, life-giving presence of God.

In the end, it is not just about a building, but about embracing God’s presence which manifests a platform to experience God’s glory in profound ways. Kilpatrick’s teachings remind us of the essential truth that God’s presence is an invitation to encounter the miraculous and experience transformation beyond our wildest imagination.

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