Home GLM Self-Parking Car Hit a Pedestrian: Do we really need to turn everything over to Technology?

Self-Parking Car Hit a Pedestrian: Do we really need to turn everything over to Technology?

Courtesy of RioPatuca/Shutterstock.com

Volvo has recently released a new model with the technology of a self-driving vehicle. With its release, it reveals that there are a few modifications that are still needed as it plows through a standing journalist. This may be an indication that it would be better for us to be able to drive our own vehicles. God has called us to rule down here and not give our authority over to computers or technology. Watch the release of the technology, the devastating outcome, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: technology, self-driving car, Volvo, authority, and computers. Greg and John shared in this segment.



A Self-Stopping Car Accident
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