Home 7 Mountains of CultureBusiness Mountain The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing and Being Possessed by Nothing: Living a DeCluttered Life to Pursue Jesus

The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing and Being Possessed by Nothing: Living a DeCluttered Life to Pursue Jesus


LISTEN NOW!  John, Steve, and Pat have an interesting conversation about a different perspective of life. Recently, 2 men working corporate jobs, in their 30’s, making 6 figure incomes, found themselves face to face with some startling realities. In this conversation, they share some interesting questions that will challenge you that may cause you to evaluate your own perspective. Hear the details of these powerful questions, the perspectives they discuss, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: storage spaces, hurricanes, islands, possessions, Enron, and C.T. Stud.
Courtesy of trekandshoot/Shutterstock.com



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