Home GLM Kingdom of the World or the Kingdom of God… Which One are You in?

Kingdom of the World or the Kingdom of God… Which One are You in?

Courtesy of  Alberto Masnovo/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss how many dark conversations are taking place in the world.  They continue to discuss how the kingdom of God is completely different from the kingdoms of this world.  If someone is trying to define the kingdom of God by the kingdoms of this world they have missed it.  The Kingdom of God existed before America; in fact America came as a result of the kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God will exist no matter the environment so when we discuss separating the two this is not a negative thing.  For instance, if someone changes an amendment to the constitution that doesn’t mean that Jesus will change or has been changed.  The kingdom of God is inside of us making us kingdom containers.  As believers we need to go and spread the kingdom and as we do when people receive Jesus into their heart then the Kingdom of God expands.  God’s kingdom does not expand by territory or political party.  They also discussed how the kingdoms of this world will be shaken but what will remain is God’s kingdom.  As a believer you must know what kingdom you are in.  America will stand if we concern ourselves with the kingdom of God.  They further discuss how Esther was able to intervene and spare a people and God answered the prayers of the people as she approached the king which resulted in him changing his edict regarding the Jews.  Today many believers are not even praying for the President.  When Israel had the right perspective, humbled themselves and prayed they saw that God was in control and he touched the heart of the King.  Could it be that today we have placed too much attention on the kingdoms of this world and its leaders than on God? We must remember that our enemy is not a physical enemy but a spiritual enemy.  We need to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.  Once we hear from God and have peace then we can go forth and preach His Kingdom in the entire world.


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Tags: conversations, satan, negative, amendments, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, containers, Kingdom, Alexander Dowie, pagans, political party, Esther, South Africa, trials


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