Home GLM What will you do with the Life you have left?

What will you do with the Life you have left?

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share about what will you do with the time you have left?  Regret is such a horrible word especially when we regret is something that can be totally avoidable resulting in not suffering a loss.  They share how they have spoken to many people especially as they near the end of their lives and how they have talked about so many regrets.  What they wish they would have done what they could have done.  Of all the precious resources we have the most precious is our life.  Once we use it up we can never get it back.  Psalm 90:12  says “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  You can never go back and redo yesterday all we have is today.  We must have vision to ensure that we arrive to our destination on purpose and not by accident.  The question is what will you do with the life you have left?






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