Home GLM Humility is not Being a door mat

Humility is not Being a door mat

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the recent statement former Archbishop of Canterbury said, “If you behave like a door mat; don’t be surprised if people treat you like one.”  They go on to discuss how humility is not being a door mat.  Yes it is true you will have to go through some stuff but how and why you go through it is the difference.  A person who is humble is a person who obeys God.  Humility is total dependency on God and respect for other people.    Humility is necessary in all areas of life especially in the family and the God given roles each person has been given.  Pride is not following the roles and the order God has set up in family.  Humility is not sitting back when you are required to stand up and act boldly.  They continue to discuss how David responded in humility when his son Absalom tried to take his kingdom.  Humility is putting everything on the scales of God.  We have an obligation to share the truth but we should share the truth in love.



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