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Failure is not Final

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss how failure is not final as they share about Former NFL coach and Super Bowl champion Tony Dungy’s encouraging word for Tim Tebow when he said that “God has a spot for you.”  Tim Tebow for the first time in his career does not have an NFL team to report to since being released from the NY Jets.  They continue to discuss how failure is more common than success and that when we do fail we can learn from our failures and as John Maxwell says, “fail forward”.  Sometimes the Lord will allow us to be in a situation that the only move we can make is to look up.  The Bible tells us that in Proverbs 24:16 “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…”  They continue to discuss how everyone wants a testimony but nobody wants to go through the test and everyone wants to go through the fire but doesn’t want to feel the heat of the flames.  When we are at our lowest we must reach out to God and cry out to him.  We can either magnify our problem or magnify the Lord who is the answer to any problem, set back and or failure we could ever face.  They continue to hear Tony Dungy’s testimony of how he would not compromise who he was for success and trusted God and doing things His way and how the Lord led him to victory.



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