Home GLM 13 Days To VOTE VALUES: God’s Values

13 Days To VOTE VALUES: God’s Values

With only thirteen days until the Presidential Election, Greg, Pat, and John encourage the Church, God’s people, to not only to vote but to vote God’s  values.  To vote based on one of the highest values near and dear to the heart of God.  That is Israel and often times referred to in the Bible as Jacob.  Greg speaks prophetically as he shares that Israel will have to do something as a result of what America does or does not do.  This an important election one and it’s important that we don’t vote for people but instead for values in regard to God and Israel.  According to The Blaze, former President Bill Clinton’s strategist is helping Israel’s labor party in election opposition against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  There is a strategy in place to against Christians and Jews.   Don’t allow those who have a lot to gain over as a result of  the  1 billion plus dollars being spent on this election campaign.   Don’t be one of the one’s that will vote based on the economy and your wallet but be one that will stand for God and his values and vote accordingly.


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