• This message delves into the profound and unsettling implications of a technologically driven society led by those who deny God and wage war against Him and His people. It raises concerns about Artificial Intelligence (AI) evolving into an all knowing (with man’s limitations), malevolent force. Part 17, titled “The A.I. Dilemma & The Church – Beyond the Reset: A Dystopian Future,” embarks on a cautionary exploration of an AI-dominated world. It highlights the capabilities of AI-driven satellites, like those from DigitalGlobe, that can track intricate details on Earth, ensuring almost perpetual surveillance. Additionally, it underscores Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites, which currently envelop the earth in low orbit. The message contrasts this impending dystopia with utopian ideals, reminding readers of the “perfect society” envisioned by Sir Thomas More. As the narrative unfolds, it critiques human endeavors at creating utopia, always inevitably culminate in dystopia, especially when they reject God’s design and His plans for humanity.

    The message cites Charlie Kirk’s perspective on socialism’s pitfalls and alludes to Biblical verses, emphasizing the persecutions Jesus forewarned. A concerning element is the reference to the vast number of Microsoft users, hinting at the expansive data reservoirs and surveillance capabilities of major tech corporations, contributing to the overarching A.I. control of humanity. Disturbingly, parallels are drawn between Hitler’s concentration camps and the notion that AI, under evil human guidance, might steer humanity down a similar sinister path. It concludes with a somber peek into a potential future where wicked individuals, empowered by AI, oversee “camps” reminiscent of those from World War II. This bleak vision serves as a call to action: for humanity, especially God’s people, to repent and change their ways.

  • Benjamin Netanyahu, while speaking at the United Nations, touched on the rapid progress and potential threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Highlighting the immediate challenges, he spoke of disruptions to democracy, manipulation of minds, loss of jobs, crime increases, system vulnerabilities, the risk of AI-driven wars, and the potential for AI to control humans. This message suggests that the growing influence and power of AI are creating fear and chaos, akin to tactics in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

    References to key figures like Hillary Clinton, who wrote her thesis on Alinsky, and a mention of Obama, imply that influential leaders are following Alinsky’s principles. The message then draws parallels between the lyrics of John Lennon’s “Imagine” and the ideal world AI proponents envision: a world without God, heaven, or hell, where man-made systems, such as AI, provide and govern.

    There’s a hint that figures like Elon Musk and Netanyahu are working on an AI ‘god’, one that creates its version of ‘heaven’. Blackrock Neurotech, a company based in Salt Lake City, is pushing the boundaries of human-machine integration, offering brain implants that can ‘cure’ physical disabilities. The message raises ethical questions about the fusion of humans and AI, using a poignant story of a woman compromising her integrity for money, and drawing parallels to humans potentially compromising their souls for AI advancements.

    Biblical passages, including the temptation of Jesus by the devil, are used to underline the gravity of the decisions our generation faces, drawing parallels between the devil’s temptations and the allure of AI. The narrative suggests that the current age may be a precursor to the prophetic events described in Revelation 13, where a global system (or ‘beast’) emerges, drawing worship and consolidating power. It’s insinuated that this AI-dominated world order is like the beast, especially when considering Netanyahu’s comments about AI’s power and potential.

    The message concludes with a clarion call to spiritual awakening and salvation, emphasizing the necessity of being ‘born again’ in the Christian faith to navigate and transcend the challenges posed by this AI-driven world.  You’ll find out how to make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

  • Chris Reed was giving dream October 8th, 2023 that the U. S. Government is being held hostage by terrorist organization – that there are 12 terrorist sleeper cells in U.S., that “So goes Israel, so Goes America.” Certain Cities were shown and 4 specific blackmailed focuses against U. S. Government leaders.

  • Amidst the heart-wrenching events unfolding in Israel, the prophecy-laden significance of Jerusalem at war, October 2023, emerges more clearly than ever. As Israel navigates its trials and America grapples with internal strife, believers are reminded of their role: to stand firm in faith, anchored in prayer, and ever vigilant for the return of Jesus Christ. The current global turmoil might be daunting, but the eternal truth of God’s word offers solace and guidance.

  • In a world filled with waiting and uncertainties, the profound truth from Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick,” captures the essence of human disappointment. Yet, the Bible offers more than just an observation—it provides an anchoring trust in God’s enduring promises, guidance on navigating through these waiting seasons, and the assurance that with patience and perseverance, hope will indeed be renewed, like a life-giving tree.

  • This evening I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, sharing thoughts on America’s strength, the global threats we face, and the imperative to guard against the rise of unwarranted influence in the councils of government, particularly by the military-industrial complex

  • Exploring the iconic Marxist rallying cry, “Workers of the world, unite!” from the “Communist Manifesto,” and juxtaposing it with a biblical perspective, which emphasizes God’s sovereignty in establishing nations and borders. While both call for a recognition of injustices, their approaches to societal change differ fundamentally based on foundational beliefs.

  • There are times for war. The adversary’s choice of power is AI. This message reveals the enemy’s motive, method, and power. It looks back in history to illustrate how similar situations have transpired before. God proclaims that war is inevitable, right and will be success. Prophetic dreams confirm prophetic visions and messages, adhering to the principle that God doesn’t act unless there is confirmation from two or more witnesses. Finally, this message also provides guidance on preparation, understanding God’s intent, and maintaining joy throughout. This enduring joy will influence your capacity for eternal happiness.

    In a series of profound prophetic dreams, and biblical understanding, a panorama of events unfolds that paints a vivid tapestry of what might lie ahead. These visions suggest that every epoch has its destined moments, including the conceivable emergence of a Second American Civil War. In these dreams, this war appears inevitable and justified, with a triumphant outcome foreseen. However, powerful adversaries emerge, notably AI, symbolizing potential threats of the modern era. The Dollar’s value wanes, hearkening back to historical sequences where nations, in their pursuit of resources, transitioned from raiding each other to trading, encapsulated in the phrase “Trade, not raid.” The visions portray modern enemies with avaricious eyes on American wealth, from tangible assets like homes and cars to intangible rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. The dreams warn of potential conflicts without actual battlefields, suggesting that global confrontations might lead to monumental shifts in world economies. The American tapestry in these visions isn’t free from strife. Threats to naval capacity imply disruptions in trade, power, and even the digital realm. A palpable civil and revolutionary war emerges, a reimagining of past conflicts. Yet, amidst threats from all horizons, the spirit of resilience shines bright, with a flourishing church standing as a beacon. These visions also evoke a divine narrative, suggesting that such trials might be part of a grander design, allowing for spiritual growth and harvest. As the dreams unfold, there’s a sense of urgency—a 90-day preparation period—possibly symbolizing the need for spiritual readiness in face of impending change. Amidst these tumultuous visions, rays of hope shine through in the form of eternal joy, a reminder that our present emotions might shape our eternal journey. The recurring theme is a call to seek the Kingdom of God daily, a sanctuary of peace and joy amidst worldly chaos. The dreams also carry a warning: those who neglect this pursuit might find themselves adrift in the tempests of life.

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