
Greg Lancaster

Greg Lancaster was blessed to have ministered with Pastor John Kilpatrick and experience the Glory of God as the Holy Spirit blessed him and a multitude of others from around the world at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida.  He currently serves as the senior pastor of Vine Fellowship Network.  With over thirty years [since 1991] of ministry, his ministry includes the founding of the Next Step Outback, VFNtv & the Daily VFNRadio Program and The Torch that has reached around the world with Hope and Truth that is grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He founded Vine Fellowship Network, (VFN), a church planting network of related churches, ministers, and believers; helping to encourage and establish churches and connects to ministers who feel called to relate to him. His passion comes out of his personal abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, which Jesus spoke of in John 15:5, from which was birthed a desire to lead others to have their own abiding relationship.  His hope is to continue leading as many as he can to Jesus and their own personal abiding relationship with Jesus through his online training at iAbide.org and through all his ministry efforts.  For it is all about Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith! 

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