Home Change Make a Change in Your Life in 2023 

Make a Change in Your Life in 2023 

Stuckness? Unable to Change? Sameness got you? Wouldn’t it be nice if 2023 was the year you made the positive change in your life you have wanted to make for years? 
Nathan Agin writes, before you can make changes, you first must face why you are stuck.  

‘The Ten Reasons Not to Change”  

  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from awareness of your aloneness and sole accountability for your own life.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from the accountability for “what’s next.”  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from the unknown.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from your own expectations.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from the expectations of others.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from seeing where you are.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from the insult of small steps.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS a monument to your pain.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from changing your relationship with others.  
  1. Staying the SAME PROTECTS YOU from changing your relationship with yourself.  

These Ten Reasons operate as a powerful tool to help you contemplate the places where you feel stuck.’  — How We Change: (And Ten Reasons Why We Don’t) by Nathan Agin 

Notice ten reasons why people do not change have to do with the PROTECTION OF ONESELF.  All have to do with you protecting “sameness” – your status quo. Facing the positive side to sameness helps you, he writes, in leaving those “sameness protections” to take a risk, to step into the unknown.  Yet, for us, as believers, the scripture tells us, step out in faith, to leave our sameness, our status quo, our self-preservation. “Moses chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.”  We must face the fact that one finds pleasure in their sameness, but it is fleeting, and prevents us from the change God is asking of us.  Though there is discomfort and often we get mistreated by others when we say yes to change, in the end, if it’s a Good God Change, we’ll be grateful that we did.  When you step into change, most of those around you feel exposed in their sameness, and often, as an act of protecting themselves and their sameness, cause difficulty for you to leave your status-quo.  For the very act of you stepping into change, exposes their fear of chance and self-preservation.  Love them, but don’t allow others fear of change prevent you from making the Good God Change this year.  

For our God has good plans in store for those who are His and He is working all things together for the good, for those who love God, who have been called according to His purposes 

God has called us out of our comfort zones and into a journey that requires constant change, trusting Him all the way, as He leads us.  My sheep know My voice and follow Me. Jesus said.  

What do we do with our desire to live in our sameness?  Our Comfort zones?  We are called to, not only follow Jesus, but to deny ourselves, and pick up our cross, and follow him and enter into an awesome journey of constant change. This means we’re to deny our sameness, our self-preservation attempts, and trust God with protecting us. 

We can’t live in a constant state of self-preservation and change at the same time. We must trust our Great Shepherd to lead us in paths of righteousness for his namesake as we enter change in 2023. 

Alone, in sameness, it will be impossible to be successful and making any positive Good God Change, but with God all things are possible, even change that you’ve been putting off for years.  

For God is your ever-present help in times of trouble.  Faith is a “now” thing, that is tangible.  As we step out this year into change in faith, we can know that our God, Who loves us, Who asks this of us, will be there every step of the way.  

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