Home Abiding WATCH! God Will Restore Fear & Respect of the Lord + God’s Glory will Touch the Church Like Never Before! Pastor John Kilpatrick

WATCH! God Will Restore Fear & Respect of the Lord + God’s Glory will Touch the Church Like Never Before! Pastor John Kilpatrick



PROPHECY! God Will Restore the Fear & Respect of the Lord in the Church says Pastor John Kilpatrick

Prophecy is meant to prepare us for what is ahead and Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, shares a prophecy that God is restoring the fear and respect of the Lord in the Church! Do you want to be used by God? Pastor Kilpatrick says that we must have the fear of God if we want to be used by Him! A healthy fear of God is based on the goodness of God. He is a good Father! Watch or listen now to hear the full conversation!

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PROPHECY! Pastor John Kilpatrick: The Church Will Experience the Glory of God’s Presence Unlike Any Church in History! 

Prophecy is meant to prepare us for what is ahead and Pastor John Kilpatrick, with Church of His Presence, shares a prophetic word how we will see the glory of God and experience His presence like never before in the Church. Greg shares his personal experience at the Brownsville Revival and how he experienced the glory of God and the weighty presence of God’s glory, with even experiencing God putting a new spirit in him. In this time that the Church is experiencing His glory there will be a new admiration and adoration for the Lord! There is nothing like the glory of God! These are exciting days ahead! Watch or listen now to hear the full conversation.

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