Home 7 Mountains of CultureGovernment Mountain ISRAEL WON’T NEED AMERICA SOON! Four Reasons Israel will be INDEPENDENT FROM AMERICA-Perry Stone




We hear from Perry Stone as he shares four reasons why Israel won’t need America anymore! In 2016 America was headed off a cliff but only through the mercy of God did things turn around in America. The shift happened when President Donald Trump called Prime Minister Netanyahu and made America right with Israel. When God wants to discipline a nation, God will cause that nation to turn away from Israel. God is the only One Who gives us the ability to prosper, and with the turn in America’s economy, it had to do with America turning back to Israel. What would happen if Israel doesn’t need America anymore?

Perry Stone shares that in four years Israel will no longer be dependent on America. Perry Stone heard this information from a well-known professor. The first reason is that Israel will turn everything away from the gas fields to natural gas. The second reason is technology, Israel now has their own geniuses, and they are creating their own technology. In 2006 Energy companies were in the top 10 companies and in 2016 just ten years later technology companies are in the top 10 companies. The third reason military equipment will soon be bought from other nations and Israel will have their own military equipment. They will be able to come up with their own ideas for laser-guided missiles etc. The fourth reason is the medical breakthrough that is happening in Israel! They have a treatment for diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Israel has cures for disease, but they don’t think they will be allowed to bring that to America because pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money and having cures for disease would stop their income. 

Genesis 12:2 says, “And I will make you (Israel) a great nation, and I will bless you [abundantly], and make your name great (exalted, distinguished); and you shall be a blessing [a source of great good to others].”

Through all that Perry Stone shared we see that Israel is a blessing to the nations! We want to hear from you and what you think about Israel being independent of America. Also shared in this segment: Driverless Cars, Elon Musk, VFNKB, Generals. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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