Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain Prophetic Word: Before My Coming All of America Will Be Ablaze with the Glory of God

Prophetic Word: Before My Coming All of America Will Be Ablaze with the Glory of God


No matter what we see the adversary do or what his plans may be, be encouraged to know that God has plans too and it is His plans that will prevail. Pastor John Kilpatrick shared some exciting news about what God is about to do.

Pastor Kilpatrick, shares a prophetic word that Dr. Yonggi Cho gave. God said to Dr. Cho, first I will pour out My Spirit on Pensacola, Florida, “It will burn like a match head, bright, and it will be powerful…then it will go over to the Mississippi River and it’ll back up across Florida again; come down into the Peninsula Florida, go up the East Coast, down to the West and Southwest, shoot out the Northwest; and before My coming all of America will be ablaze with the Glory of God.”

This is such an exciting word! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at Friends@VFNKB.com. Greg shared in this segment.

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John Kilpatrick Ministries
Pastor John Kilpatrick
Dr. Yonggi Cho
Pensacola, Florida
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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