Home Faith PROPHECY! Financial Prosperity Coming to Latin and African Americans Financial Lack Over- Rich Vera

PROPHECY! Financial Prosperity Coming to Latin and African Americans Financial Lack Over- Rich Vera


A word from God is like water in a desert land, and when He speaks, it is like streams coming into your spirit. We must have faith to come into agreement with what God has spoken to us! Rich Vera released a word concerning prosperity that is coming in our life and maybe you have already seen some of these prophetic words come to pass. It is encouraging to remember what God has said to us and to be reminded of the word for 2018. This is the year of the open door!

Rich is with Sid Roth and shares his encounter with God. He speaks of the first miracle that Jesus performed when he turned the water into wine. To make good wine, it takes years for it to taste good. But when Jesus turned the water into wine, He compressed time!

“Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; BUT YOU HAVE SAVED THE BEST TILL NOW.” John 2:10

Rich prophesied, “what could have taken three years, is going to take three months because God is compressing the times…the last shall be the first in this season and the first shall be the last. And the Lord told me there is a deliverance of poverty. God is going to set free the Latino community and the African American community…we are going to see an awakening of prosperity coming on those communities where they are going to go up to be first…and God is going to cause time to be compressed.”

We can see where this word has already come to pass in America with the unemployment rate for African Americans and Hispanics and Latinos at the lowest rate ever in recorded history! Brianna Bolender also had a prophetic dream concerning the impact President Donald Trump would have on the African American community! It is amazing to see justice coming and everyone being treated equally in America.

Rich also shares how those that haven’t been able to own homes will own a home and those that have messed up credit God is going to fix your credit! Some will also own businesses that have never been able to. “Your days of poverty and financial lack, this year, they are coming to an end, and your prosperity is at hand in Jesus name.”

We have been preparing for this day at VFNKB by helping business owners in managing their businesses in partnering with them to have a deep impact in God’s Kingdom. God wants to partner with you in succeeding in your business! God wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing and a resource for other people who are in need. Maybe you want help, by VFNKB partnering with you in your business? Maybe you have seen this word come to pass in your life already? We want to hear from you! You can write to us at friends@greglancaster.org. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of storyblocks.com

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