Home Crisis PROPHECY! EVIL DICTATORS FALLING IN 2018! Venezuela’s Maduro OUT! – Cindy Jacobs

PROPHECY! EVIL DICTATORS FALLING IN 2018! Venezuela’s Maduro OUT! – Cindy Jacobs


God has revealed many great things prophetically for the year 2018! Cindy Jacobs shares a word that evil dictators are going to fall! We serve a God Who speaks to His children! 

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

We must listen when God speaks! 2018 has been a remarkable year and will continue to be! Cindy shares the prophetic word. “Evil dictators are starting to fall…Maduro in Venezuela, he is out! God is going to shift him out! Mugabe is out in Zimbabwe…God is getting ready to shake everything that can be shaken. But you need to be the one that disturbs satan’s kingdom!”

Money in Venezuela is now worthless! There is no currency. It won’t be long, and we will see Maduro out of Venezuela. We are praying for those that are living in a place of evil dictatorship. We want to hear from you! Have you seen this word come to pass? You can write to us at friends@greglancaster.org. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of storyblocks.com

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