Home Abiding Prophetic Words have the Power to Change Destiny If they are Spoken Out

Prophetic Words have the Power to Change Destiny If they are Spoken Out


When we hear a word spoken over us, it can change our destiny! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares a prophetic word on The Jim Bakker Show. He shares that God can give us a word, and we can think about it but until we speak out the words the Holy Spirit gave us there is no power in the prophetic word. We need to speak out the words God gives us so that the Holy Spirit can move in power through that word! “…but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.” Pastor Kilpatrick shares that, “One of the reasons why the Devil fights prophesy so bad in this hour, is because when a person gives a prophetic word, it puts lift under their wings…All of a sudden, now, you’re stretching your wings and you’re gliding, you’re not struggling anymore.” We need to open our mouths and speak to each other in the Church! And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” 

It is exciting to move in a prophetic word that God gives us, and it is important to make sure that we have ourselves in a place where the fresh, current word of God is spoken. Therefore, abiding with God is very important. You can see a simple plan on abiding with God at iAbide.org, and as you abide with the Lord, you will hear from Him yourself. Watch or listen to hear the full encouraging word from Pastor Kilpatrick. Also shared in this segment The Jim Bakker Show, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Prophesy, and abiding. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of KrasimiraNevenova/Shutterstock.com

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