Home #SuccessStrategies WATCH! Underground Church in China Rising Up; God is Holding Back War in Korea; and Success Secrets from VFNKB


PROPHECY! UNDERGROUND CHURCH Coming Above Ground; Saving North Korea Restrained, China- Hank Kunneman

As prophetic words were being shared for this new year of 2018, Hank Kunneman shared an encouraging prophetic word regarding North Korea, the Underground Church, and Tiananmen Square. Kunneman shared this prophetic word while speaking to Sid Roth on It’s Supernatural.

After receiving repeated visions of Tiananmen Square, Kunneman asked the Lord what he was being shown. “It’s going to be a gathering of what has been underground shall come above ground.” As Kunneman shares, this is why North Korea is provoking war, to prevent what God desires to do in this region.

Chuck Pierce responds to this prophetic word by sharing how the enemy attempts to break us down by hindering our minds and bringing confusion. “I decree right now, all the weariness off of our minds. We’re gonna have new thought processes. We’re gonna be able to hear in new ways. We’re gonna have energy to create what needs to be created.” Pierce continues to address the importance for all of us to watch our gates.

The significance of gates is that these are the locations where decisions are made. Who are the decision makers? Who is in authority in leadership positions? These are the gates. It does make a difference who are the ones in these gate positions. Be encouraged as you hear how to take back gate positions in business, in family, in government, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Chuck Pierce, Hank Kunneman, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, hope, and encouragement. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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As prophetic words were being shared over this new year of 2018 on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Hank Kunneman saw an ominous dark figure coming over the Northeast region of the United States. When Kunneman expressed that he felt he was being shown something in his spirit, Sid Roth directed him to share.

“I can see the East Coast right now, and I feel that there is something trying to move now into the New York City area, by way of evil.” As Kunneman shared what he was seeing, Chuck Pierce confirmed that he saw the same thing. Kunneman continued, ‘the enemy is trying to close something that God is opening around New York City…let that which is trying to be done in secret and darkness, I decree, it comes to the light over New York City…’.

As Chuck Pierce confirmed that he was shown the same thing that Kunneman saw, Pierce begins to speak to networks that are being used by evil and darkness would be exposed.

It is encouraging to know that Jesus has given us all authority that has been given to Him, so that we may rule and reign here on Earth. See the full conversation about these declarations, as well as the full prophetic words from Hank Kunneman, Chuck Pierce, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Chuck Pierce, Hank Kunneman, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, hope, and encouragement. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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As we begin this new year of 2018, powerful prophetic words have been recently released as multiple prophets recently shared with Sid Roth what the Lord had been showing them. Rich Vera was one of these prophetic voices to share, and the Lord showed him a mighty sight of what God is about to do upon the Church.

God said, “this year there is coming a release of the gift of discernment upon the people”. Vera continues to share the important wisdom that having the ability to discern what is taking place does not mean that we are to judge. As Vera continues, “discern, why? Not so we can tell who is wrong but discern so that we will not miss the things that God is doing in our midst”. As more and more false teachings are rising up, Vera continues to share this encouraging point; “God is going to give you the supernatural ability to discern when God is in the midst in spite of the things that sound like God or not, and you will be able to walk into what God has for you.”

God may have shown us what was taking place in environments that we found ourselves in, but we were not aware of how God speaks to us. Sometimes, we may have taken this information to believe that what God was showing us was in our own lives. You will be greatly encouraged as you hear wisdom about how to hear the voice of the Lord regarding discerning different situations you are in, as well as how many have been held back using prayer as an excuse because of fear, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, discernment, judgment, depression, hope, and encouragement. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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#Success Secret- BE THE CEO OF YOUR LIFE! Instead of Finding a Job, BE YOUR JOB – TD Jakes

In this generation, it’s important to recognize that times have changed, and this present generation is not the same as the last. This present generation has no problem doing multiple jobs at once. Many are going to college, ending up with a debt for their education, but without a job to pay off the debt. When Bishop T.D. Jakes recently spoke with Pastor Steven Furtick, Bishop Jakes shared some profound wisdom on changing our mindset for these realities. ” Rather than to go get a job, I thought it was important about being a job.” As Bishop Jakes explains, “being the C.E.O. of you”. The question is: what is your brand? What are you doing to set yourself apart from the many others in your industry that is competing for the same job? These are just some of the secrets to success that help us in these integral times. See the full conversation about how we can better lead ourselves, the full statements from Bishop T.D. Jakes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor Steven Furtick, VFN Kingdom Business, self-management, talents, blessings, business ownership, tithing, honoring God, and success. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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#Success Secret- INSPIRATION without INFORMATION leads to FRUSTRATION- TD Jakes

In this hour of continual feeds, podcasts, news feeds, and subscriptions, things are hitting us at a constant rate. But, if we are not careful, we can receive too much of one thing and not have the balance that is so desperately needed. When Bishop T.D. Jakes recently spoke with CBN News, he shared an inspiring perspective that we should be mindful of. “Sunday morning is great, and we get people inspired on Sunday morning. But, if we don’t balance inspiration with information, then it’s going to lead to frustration.” This is so critical to so many different areas of life. Be encouraged as you hear the full conversation about this important topic from Bishop T.D. Jakes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: self-management, CBN News, Bishop T.D. Jakes, life principles, VFN Kingdom Business, and wisdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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