Home Faith Protecting Religious Freedom of Faith Based Adoption Groups, Texas Governor Abbott Signs Bill

Protecting Religious Freedom of Faith Based Adoption Groups, Texas Governor Abbott Signs Bill

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM!  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is once again making waves in the faith community as he signs another bill protecting religious freedom. According to the Christian Post, “Abbott signed House Bill 3859 into law on Thursday that seeks to protect religious child welfare agencies from being forced to provide services that go against their convictions.” Specific portions of the bill read; “A child welfare services provider may not be required to provide any service that conflicts with the provider’s sincerely held religious beliefs.” This is so important to be able to make decisions that don’t violate your beliefs and values. It is so exciting to see these actions are taking place in Texas. As the Lord has shared, Texas is a HUB state. See the full report of what is taking place in Texas, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: First Amendment Rights, Constitution, adoption, and faith based adoption agencies. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Andresr/Shutterstock.com


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