Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain Reverend Samuel Rodriguez Prays at President Trump’s Inauguration

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez Prays at President Trump’s Inauguration

LISTEN NOW! It is so exciting to see how Christian Broadcasting News has been allowed a one-on-one interview with the President after only days in the White House. God has established new leadership. When President Trump took office, he invited multiple Christian leaders to pray. One of these was Reverend Samuel Rodriguez who leads many Hispanic churches. When Reverend Rodriguez spoke he repeated the words of Jesus from Matthew 5: 3-16. Just as Jesus spoke to the crowds of people from a mountainside, Reverend Rodriguez spoke the teachings of Jesus to tens of thousands of people! See the full prayer from Reverend Rodriguez, the full Inaugural Speech from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prayer, leadership, humility, and the Kingdom of God. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Screen capture from youtube.com/The White House



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