Home Civil Rights & Civil Christianity in America The Values of the DNC and the RNC Could Not be Further Apart – Political PARTies

LISTEN NOW! As America nears closer and closer to yet another election, the two different platforms could not be further from each other in respects to values. One party is openly declaring that the BDS Movement is anti-Semitism, while the other is openly declaring for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment regarding the use of taxpayer money in order to fund abortions.. As CBN’s Jennifer Wishon reports, “On nearly every issue, there is a distinction between the Democrat and Republican parties.” We are seeing God taking America to the top of Mount Carmel just as He did in 1 Kings 18. If God is God, then serve Him. If Baal is god, then serve him.

We are a government by the people and for the people. Where do you stand? As the Church, we are to make our yes be yes and our no be no. It’s as simple as that. Regardless of what the values of the world may be, we are not called to follow the ways of the world. We are God’s ecclesia, the called out ones. We are to walk separate, called out from the ways of the world. It is important that we pray, that we seek the heart of God for so many of these important matters, and vote Biblical values. Get the full story to understand the implications and importance of this coming election, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: values, parties, voting, beliefs, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

screen capture from CBN.com

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