Home Faith REVIVAL in West Virginia and Kentucky Schools, Salvations and Healings

REVIVAL in West Virginia and Kentucky Schools, Salvations and Healings

LISTEN NOW! It is so exciting to see revival begin to sweep across an entire area. It is even more exciting to see revival happening among young people. This is exactly what is taking place in West Virginia. Reportedly, what has now begun to cross over into Kentucky, first originated within the schools of South Western Virginia. According to CBN, “this revival is seeing hundreds of students come forward to give their hearts to Jesus.” The report also continues to reveal that “the revival isn’t a church or denominational thing – but a God thing.”  These are the very characteristics that have been distinctive in previous outpourings of God’s Spirit: not focused on any one denomination, and beginning with young people.

We don’t have to wait for “revival to break out”. We can experience personal revival every day. Now is the time to go after God. It is times such as these that point to the reality of the signs of the times. The times of the Lord’s returning is near. Get the full report to see what is taking place in West Virginia, how to experience revival now, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: revival, Third Great Awakening, CBN, Azusa Street Revival, Brownsville Revival, and eternity. John and Steve shared in this segment.

 screen capture from CBN.com

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