Home #LinksOfKindness Paying it Forward Georgia Tech Students Surprise Security Guard Bringing Him to Tears

Paying it Forward Georgia Tech Students Surprise Security Guard Bringing Him to Tears


Anytime we have the opportunity to be kind to those around us, we have the opportunity to change a life. We may walk nonchalantly beside people every day, but when a gathering of students at Georgia Tech take the time to bless a security guard on campus. “We just want to show you how much we appreciate you, all that you do for us each day; bringing the energy and making our days better.” You would think this was a normal moment to give someone a thank you card, but it was far from that. Because of more than a hundred students came together to express how thankful they were, they were able to present a sizeable gift of gratitude. Just as this particular man was stunned, you will be too. A link of kindness can go a long way. If you see it, share it. If you do it, share it. Watch the encounter for yourself and be greatly encouraged, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: #linksofkindness, #LOK, gratitude, and blessings. Greg and John shared in this segment.

screen capture from youtube.com/Georgia Tech


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