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Empathizing with Belgium While Maintaining Open Eyes and a Discerning Heart for America

LISTEN NOW! The world is once again shaken to the core as terrorism has struck once again. This time in the Belgian city of Brussels. Our hearts are broken and our prayers go out to everyone that has been effected by this horrifying atrocity of evil. According to developing reports of this terrorist attack, more than 30 people are confirmed to have been killed, and over 200 have been injured.


When CBN’s Dale Hurd interviewed regarding these events, he shares about his perspective as the “Jihadi Barracks of Europe”. He continues to express that “it’s been a welcome home for extremists for years”. Commenting from his experience, reporting on the rise of terrorism in Europe, he shares, “Security has been so lax there. It’s a very easy target.” He continues to share, “After the Paris attacks, the governments in Europe talked about the threat from the Middle East, from ISIS. The threat was already in Europe.”


Some are concerned trying to understand what the strategy is behind all of this. Hurd brings immediate clarity to this matter when he states, “It isn’t a strategy. You know, the right strategy would be what a terrorist told me in Belgium four years ago. Which is ‘were going to have a lot of children and simply take over the country that way’. Blowing up people is not a strategy. We as Christians know that it’s a blood sacrifice to Allah. This is a spiritual service that they are doing when they blow themselves up…”


Kamal Saleem has shared that according to the United States Border Patrol there are over ‘450,000 known terrorists that have come over the border into America, targeting not only Americans, but the church.’ If one is commenting on the dangers that are looming in Europe, we are naïve to think that this same threat is not validly present in America.


Rick Joyner has expressed equal concern and his thoughts regarding these rising threats. When speaking about the growing European threat, Joyner writes, “Europe is wide open for such attacks now because of two flawed policies that are looking increasingly naïve for these times: 1) their open border policy, 2) the attempt at multi-culturalism that allows Islamic enclaves that are basically “self-governing” but are now looking much more like big “Trojan horses…”


Hearing these words highlights much of the present realities that are being experienced in America. Joyner continues, “We can expect these attacks to increase, hitting cities in multiple places at once for maximum impact. The U.S. is the most prized of all targets for Islamic terrorists, and we have been made the most vulnerable by our own government policies that have failed to protect our borders.”

Regardless of what occurs, our trust and protection must not be in a military, a policy, or any government, but in the will of God and His Son Jesus Christ. If one is being consumed with dread and worry, then it highlights that our trust is being wrongly applied. Hear this full report of what has taken place in Belgium, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; Radical Islam, Rick Joyner, suicide bombers, ISIS, European Union, Open Door Policy, San Bernardino, and peace. John and Steve shared in this segment.  

Courtesy of CRM/shutterstock.com


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