Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain One Million Men Repent on the Washington Mall for Prayerlessness and for Leaving our First Love

One Million Men Repent on the Washington Mall for Prayerlessness and for Leaving our First Love


LISTEN or WATCH NOW! One Million men gathered on the mall of Washington D.C. for a particular repentance. We may not be aware, but in our daily lives, many things can come in and steal our attention and focus away from Jesus Christ and His written Word, The Bible. In total silence, men prostrate themselves before God, as though dead, just like John does in the book of Revelation. In a prayer of confession and repentance, these men confess for a sin of prayerlessness that has robbed them of their first love in Jesus Christ. See this magnificent sight, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Promise Keepers, The Garden, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screen Capture from Promise Keepers

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