Home 7 Days in the Holy Land Series Franklin Graham and Daughter Cissie Graham Lynch on 7 Day Tour Part 3- Capernaum

Franklin Graham and Daughter Cissie Graham Lynch on 7 Day Tour Part 3- Capernaum

LISTEN NOW! The beautiful journey of the Holy Land, Israel, continues as Franklin Graham and his daughter Cissie Graham Lynch visit Capernaum. As Franklin points out the town next to the waters of the Galilee, he shares about the biblical significance of this moment. “Right now, we’re at Capernaum. We’re pretty sure because of the ruins here and the synagogue and what they have found; that this is Capernaum, that this is Jesus’ headquarters; and this is where He lived during much of His ministry.” It was in this very place that the men described of in Mark 2:1-12, lowered down their crippled friend in front of Jesus in hopes that he would be healed. See the beautiful imageries of this water front town, the very place where Jesus walked, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, faith, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Sopotnicki/Shutterstock.com



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