Home Faith Pat Schatzline Tidal Wave of Revival Coming

LISTEN NOW! We have been sharing many prophetic words about what the Lord has been revealing about what is to come in the near days ahead. Many are hearing that there are times of destruction ahead as well as a coming wave of God’s Glory. Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural, recently invited Pat Schatzline to his program to talk about what the Lord had been saying and revealing to Pat, what has been revealed to Pat also lines up as well. He shares about a dream that he had with his wife running across the United States and a large wave crashing and following closely behind them. They arrive at Washington holding on to the pillars of the White House. He shares about what the Lord specifically said to him about the dream, “Son, what you saw was not judgment. You saw the next wave of revival that is coming to America and it will be the final awakening that is coming.”

Pat continued to share about how the Lord revealed to him how this revival would take place in America. “I was flying in a place across America, a while back, late at night and I saw lights off in the distance in different places. And the Lord said, “That’s the way revival will hit America. There will be hot spots. Then there will be other places that The Holy Spirit walks past; Churches that He no longer stops at, those that are not preaching truth and standing on God’s Word.”


This next coming move of God will not be like the Revivals or Great Awakenings of history where well known profiles will be the ones leading it. God has reserved this generation and there will be many that God will use to carry out His plans and purposes. Pat continues to share about another dream he had where he saw an explosion in his eyes. He abruptly woke up and laid back down. “I laid back down for a moment and I saw graves opening. Here’s why I would tell you that. God is about to raise up the ones that He has been waiting to use, the ones that the enemy has been trying to throw dirt on, but you can’t throw dirt on somebody God is not finished with yet, just look at Jesus. And what you got to realize is you are the voice that God is raising up…”


He continues to share about how God showed him the waist of Jesus with a ring of keys on them and how they open up doors. You may be surprised as to which keys open up which doors. Now is the time to get involved and rightly related into what God is doing in this day and in this hour. Watch the full report and be greatly encouraged as to what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, harvest, Third Great Awakening, cutting, Baal, authority, unqualified voice, Perry Stone, John G. Lake, healing rooms, VFNInternship, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from sidroth.org


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