Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain San Bernardino Massacre 14 Dead 17 Wounded and 2 Suspects Killed: Our Hearts are Broken- Was this a Terrorist Attack?

San Bernardino Massacre 14 Dead 17 Wounded and 2 Suspects Killed: Our Hearts are Broken- Was this a Terrorist Attack?

LISTEN NOW! Our hearts are broken and our prayers are being lifted up for the families of those who have lost loved ones, relatives, and friends. Yesterday morning, when co-workers were gathered together for a Christmas celebration, it was tragically interrupted when two individuals started shooting. CBN is reporting one of the shooters, identified as Syed Farook, left the celebration, returned with a woman, Tashfeen Malik, clothed with “tactical style clothing, ammunition, and body armor”. Chief of San Bernardino Police Department, Jarrod Burguan, “Based upon what we have seen and based upon how they were equipped, there had to have been some degree of planning that went into this…” As a result, 14 are dead, and 17 are wounded.
Many people never think this will happen to them until it does. One father was alerted to the danger of his daughter when he received this text message from her: “Shooting at my work. People shot. In the office, waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in an office.” According to Fox News, “authorities found multiple pipe bombs and other explosive devices at various locations including three devices at the scene of the attack.” Considering the events and the evidence, some are asking whether this was workplace violence or an act of terrorism. This is absolutely tragic.
Upon the very heels of this horrifying reality, voices bolstered the emphasis upon gun control and gun restrictions. California is the already the strictest state with gun laws. People protect themselves with guns and individuals, such as the President and Congressmen, have armed security around them who also have guns. Why did the narrative suddenly switch directly to gun control? It is important to understand that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The 2ndAmendment of the Constitution reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, must not be infringed.” When emergencies take place and people dial 911, who are they expecting to arrive? An armed police officer with a GUN!
As people continue to ask whether this was workplace violence or an act of terror, ask those who personally experienced this tragedy, those who locked themselves in rooms unknown of the whereabouts of the shooters. Would they consider this terrorism? For those who did in fact experience this act of terrorism, do you think they wished they had a gun at the time shots were fired?

As continual headlines are being heard, seen, and passed on previous events and realities regarding our law enforcement officers in America, we cannot overlook the brave and heroic actions of those who responded to end this tragic event. When one officer was on scene speaking calmly to bystanders, seeking to evacuate them from the building, this is what he said to them: “Try and relax, everyone try to relax. I’ll take a bullet before you do.” They did their job successfully by quickly arriving and stopping this evil atrocity from continuing any further.  What is the Church supposed to do? 1 Peter 4:7 says this: “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” We must shake ourselves of all things that seek to distract us so that we can be about the Father’s business; making disciples and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Watch the full report to hear more about what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: SWAT, law enforcement agencies, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), Council on American-Islamic Relations, CBN, pipe bombs, Radical Islam, car chase, shootout, Christmas, Constitution, 2nd Amendment, Paris, felonies, mental facilities, repentance, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from CBN.com



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