Home Holy Spirit Is Technology Taking us to a Place We don’t Want to Go? Virtual Humans, Mind Cloning, Artificial Intelligence and the Mark of the Beast?

Is Technology Taking us to a Place We don’t Want to Go? Virtual Humans, Mind Cloning, Artificial Intelligence and the Mark of the Beast?

LISTEN NOW! When we look at technology and how it has advanced over the recent decades, it is no surprise to recognize that it has been at a rapid exponential rate. Over a hundred years ago, our daily traveler was a horse and buggy. When messages were sent, they were on foot; literally. Now, our patience is tested when someone doesn’t respond to a text. Closer to present times, technological advancements, such as the iPhone, have had revolutionary impacts on multiple industries: banking, watching television, communication, etc. There are now over 1 million apps made available by Apple. The question is, where is it taking us? According to Lance Wallnau, “man doesn’t have the self-control to handle it”. The future of technology will affect mankind in powerful ways.
With the recent book, Virtually Human: The Promise and the Peril of Digital Immortality, author Martine Rothblatt brings to light technology that one may not consider. Some of the chapters are titled, “The Me in the Machine”; “Mindcloning, Natural Selection, Digital Eugenics”, and “Pardon Me While I Have Technical Difficulties”.
In an interview with Rothblatt, who is also the CEO of United Therapeutics Corp., says it plainly,
 “Were working on a new technology called, “Mind Cloning”, where we’re able to put into computer form people’s mannerisms, personalities, recollections, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, values, and keep them alive forever in a cyber-form looking forward to the future when their minds might be able to be downloaded back into a re-generated human body.”

Rothblatt doesn’t stop there. There is additional technology being developed, termed “Mind files”. In essence, the design is to create a double version of you, all it takes is, “a hacker to create ‘Mindware’”. We are definitely moving in a direction with this technology, but, is it a direction that we want to be in?
The world was stunned when a computer was designed to beat the world’s best chess player. It happened again when IBM created ‘Watson’ beating the leading Jeopardy contestants. Many may have a similar response when they meet “BINA48”. Designed by The LifeNaut Project, BINA48 is a design that was constructed when Bina Rothblatt provided her own personal information. You can actually watch the exchange of dialogue between the two: human and computer.

The idea of this technology being too far-fetched to ponder comes again when considering past advertisements from Verizon. When Verizon developed it’s DROID technology, Verizon described it as, “It’s not an upgrade to your phone, it’s an upgrade to yourself.” The red-flag raising reality of this imagery is of a man having, what appears to be, implants being put into his right forearm and zooming into his forehead. Does this sound like Revelation 13:16-17, “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Where do we go from here? The world wants to live forever. Watch the full story to see more of the implications being considered and how the Church can respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: text messaging, letter carriers, cloning, internet, online colleges, relationships, abiding, iTunes, Facebook, google, Ray Kurzweil, DNA augmentation, Coca Cola, Walmart, AI, revelation, and abiding. John, Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

Courtesy of   fotoslaz /Shutterstock.com




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