Home Faith Vine Seminar: Original Intent of the Church

LISTEN NOW! In light of all the looming warnings, with many gripped with fear considering the visualizations of recent terror attacks, these are important reminders that we must BE the Church. Being the Church is not as difficult as religion makes it out to be. It is all about relationship. God wants His Church back. When we abandon personal agendas and focus on one other, God is so pleased with this. Miracles, healings, signs and wonders are simply a byproduct of The Church, the people, coming together. If this sounds unfamiliar to you, you may be interested in being a part of the upcoming Vine Seminar; a three day event that shows what it means to walk out Being the Church just as it was birthed in the Book of Acts. Be encouraged as you learn about the Vine Seminar, and so much more. Also shared in this segment. Relationship, the Fear of the Lord, the Presence of God, and fellowship. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com


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