Home Faith Based on True Story: Noble – the Movie how One Woman Ministered to 700,000 Children in Vietnam

Based on True Story: Noble – the Movie how One Woman Ministered to 700,000 Children in Vietnam

screen capture from thenoblemovie.com

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! As a young girl,  she lost her parents and she suffered a life of sex slavery. Little did she know just how powerfully God would use such a life of brokenness. When she encounters the goodness of God, everything would be turned around. God gives her a dream of the children that she would impact. Over 700,000 lives of children that are affected because of her selfless love and Christina Noble continues on. This is just a glimpse of her life that is captured in the new film Noble. Watch the full trailer and more of the exciting journey Noble experiences, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: sex slavery, loss of parents, crisis, redemption, love, restoration, Vietnam, and love. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Noble Movie Trailer
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