Home Civil Rights & Civil Christianity in America Interview with Assistant Chief of Police of Pensacola David Alexander on Race in the Church, Culture and what we can be done about it

Interview with Assistant Chief of Police of Pensacola David Alexander on Race in the Church, Culture and what we can be done about it

Courtesy of benjaminec/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! When we take a look around at the events that are taking place across America, we can see the tensions that are increasing throughout the land; racial tensions, Ferguson, Baltimore, across the world, and possibly even in our own communities. There is an elephant in the room that, for a long time has not been talked about and only the church can remedy: racism. As a man who has more than 30 years of experience in a multitude of areas, from community involvement, leadership, law enforcement, and a believer in Christ, Assistant Chief of Police David Alexander not only has a real – world perspective when addressing racism, but also a Biblical perspective. 

When considering such important topics as this, the reality of Roy Middleton comes into play. A resident of Pensacola, FL, who was standing in his own driveway, found himself on the receiving end of 15 rounds that were shot at him by two Sherriff deputies. Ultimately, two of these rounds impacted Middleton. The Escambia County Sherriff’s Office stated that it was on the bases of “non-compliance”. Middleton states otherwise.  The injustices that occurred were not so much the details of this event, but the lack of community response to such an injustice.

As the church, we are the only ones that can remedy the reality of racism and injustice. We have the ability to respond because of the justice that was served upon Jesus Christ for each one of us. Racism has been a reality long before the slavery of African Americans. It was first carried against God’s people, the Jews. This is also known as “anti-Semitism”, racism against Jews. This is the root of racism. The more Anti-Semitism escalates, the more we will see this promulgated throughout the world.

Assistant Chief of Police Alexander shares a weighty reality as he shares some of his experiences from being involved in his own community.  “The children of the community are the future….I would be the biggest hypocrite if I helped the

David Alexander

community and not my own…” Alexander stated. This is a profound truth for us, as the Church, to be mindful of. World missions is a fabulous desire, but we should never do this at the cost of our own where the people in our own nation are neglected. Jesus gave us the Great Commission to make disciples of ALL nations. This includes the nationalities, the ethnic groups that are within America; especially those that are different than our own.

Hear the full conversation of what was shared, how the Church can remedy and respond to the elephant that is in the room, what it means to say “go back to the way things were”, how we are to move in justice, how we can be involved in our communities, as the Church, and so much more. Also shared in this segment, race, the Church, Ferguson, Baltimore, morality, legal, laws, Adolf Hitler, Israel, anti-Semitism, Racism, humility, repentance, and love. Greg and Assistant Chief of the Pensacola Police Department, David Alexander shared in this segment.



Dashcam Confessionals Courtesy of Dover Police Dept
Roy Middleton’s Vandalized Car
Roy Middleton’s Vandalized Car
Roy Middleton’s Vandalized Car
Roy Middleton’s Vandalized Car
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