Home 7 Mountains of CultureFaith Mountain 1,000 Weapons Found at Waco Bike Gang shootout: Has shaming Law Enforcement caused Criminals to be More Brazen?

1,000 Weapons Found at Waco Bike Gang shootout: Has shaming Law Enforcement caused Criminals to be More Brazen?

Courtesy of Sundraw Photography/Shutterstock.com

It was moments ago that gang activity caught the city of Garland, Texas by surprise. Law enforcement responded swiftly to the erupting chaos at a local restaurant when 5 gangs broke out in violence resulting in 9 dead and over 100 injured. The situation now calmed and secure, agencies are continuing to be surprised by what is being found on the scene. The Blaze is reporting “approximately 1,000 weapons were recovered from the scene of Sunday’s shootout between rival motorcycle gangs in Waco, Texas”. Hear about the full story of what is still taking place, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.




Waco Police find 1,000 Weapons after Biker Battle

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About 1,000 Weapons Were Recovered From Scene of Deadly Waco Biker Shootout — and Some in Places You Likely Wouldn’t Expect

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