Home Discipleship There is Something Special When the Church Comes Together as Family

There is Something Special When the Church Comes Together as Family

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As we see these things, we as the Body of Christ should not fear or fret, but look up as it is these signs that highlight; our redemption draws near. What should we, as the church, do at a time like this? How should we respond amidst such calamity and devastation? Love. Jesus gives us clear direction in John 17:23, “…that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” The greatest thing that we can do is love each other. We must return to the simplicity and power of relating as family, as God calls us to; as the church. When we look at the life of Jesus, it wasn’t about building huge organizations; it was about loving the people around Him. We can see where we are in our hearts, by how we are responding to the cataclysmic events taking place in the sea of humanity all around us. There is something beautiful that unfolds in the moments of family and the journeys of walking out relationships together. Hear the profound impact of simply relating to one another, the original intent of the Church, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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