Home Faith WATCH! Gulf Coast Revival Greater Than Azusa Street By Far, Coming soon, starting in Alabama says Nigerian Apostle Isaiah Kadiri

WATCH! Gulf Coast Revival Greater Than Azusa Street By Far, Coming soon, starting in Alabama says Nigerian Apostle Isaiah Kadiri

WATCH!! or LISTEN NOW! Africa has a message for America. As an Apostle in Nigeria, Isaiah Kadiri shares his own personal experiences of what God has revealed to him about what is about to take place in the Gulf Coast and the nations. From the moment he arrived in America, God began revealing revelation that there is going to be a great move of God. It will be greater than anything we have ever seen or heard. When the rain comes there are three different signs that let you know it’s coming. Before the rain comes, you can see the cloud forming. If you don’t have eyes to see, the second sign is that you can hear the cloud making noise. If you don’t have ears that hear, the third sign is the cool breeze that you can feel on your skin. Right now, the church in the Gulf Coast is stirring. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house. – Haggai 2:9. Allow your expectation of God to increase, your hunger and thirst for a greater move of God to deepen, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, Gulf Coast, miracles, testimonies, power, Walmart, Nigeria, Mobile Bay, Azusa Street Revival, prayer, unity, incubation, and Pentecost. Greg, Pat and Isaiah shared in this segment.  Watch full episode Now!

Prophetic Word, Gulf Coast Revival Greater Than Azusa Street By Far, Coming soon, starting in Alabama says Nigerian Apostle Isaiah Kadiri 
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