Home Israel Secretary of State John Kerry about to push the Reset Button in the Middle East? Does that mean bad news for Israel?

Secretary of State John Kerry about to push the Reset Button in the Middle East? Does that mean bad news for Israel?

 Courtesy of   kisa kuyruk/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!Greg, Pat, and John continue the discussion of the events that are taking place in Israel on the Gaza border. Prophetic words have been shared about Secretary of State John Kerry’s communications with Israel and how the outcome for Jews and Christians does not end well. Secretary Kerry has threatened Israel with a third Intifada, urging Israel to have peace talks with Gaza. During this time, Israel was aware that tunnels were being dug underground for the purpose of terrorist actions against the peace of Israel. If Prime Minister Netanyahu was aware of these tunnels, then America was aware. All that is happening is simply screaming,” Alinsky Tactics!”. God can speak to every party involved. There are specific instances in the Bible that account how God can cause good outcomes in any situation. Amidst the confusion in the headlines, be encouraged as you get more clarity regarding what is happening in Israel, and so much more.  Also shared in this segment: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Israel, Intifada, Benghazi, terrorism, and Hamas.


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