Home Crisis World Cup’s Clint Dempsey, U.S.A. Soccer Player, Finds a Relationship with God by Reading the Bible

World Cup’s Clint Dempsey, U.S.A. Soccer Player, Finds a Relationship with God by Reading the Bible

Courtesy of Photo Works/Shutterstock.com 

LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat and Steve discuss about the World Cup Athlete Clint Dempsey. They share that amidst the spotlight perspective that many would be aware of, Clint’s journey encountered hardships in his life that led him to search for God. They encourage us to look at hardships as moments that cause us to reach out to God. God allows these moments to come in our lives so that we can have empathy and be there for others. Be encouraged in moments of hardships as you find out how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Crisis, faith, salvation, blessings, prayer, and storms.


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