Home Prophecy Is Technology Making Us Ignorant?
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LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss whether technology is making us technically ignorant.   They discuss now technology can be a blessing while at the same time be a curse.  They further discuss the importance of getting a biblical perspective of technology.  They talk about an interview Malik had with the founder of Square technology.  In the article Malik discusses google maps and how technology has taken away our ability to feel.   They discuss Maliks comments regarding a time prior to the technology we have today that he can remember a time when he could remember over 200 phone numbers and now he is not able to and also he recounted a time when he had a good grasp of a layout of a city but now he is not able to.  It was interesting to hear his take regarding how we are losing our human capabilities to machines.  They share how this man gets it.  We are losing our human capabilities.  They share a time when they themselves remembered having so many phone numbers in their mind but today they are not able to do it.  They share how technology is great however we need be able to use technology without losing ourselves.  How do we maintain our relationship with God and technology.  However, if technology comes between you and your relationship with God you have to let technology go.  We must remember that technology has the capabilities we are just able to search.  You can’t have a virtual relationship with God.  You much be able to have true relationship with God and His word.  The Puritans were able to experience God when they were able to abide in His word.  They share their own journey from using a paper planning systems to using technology.  Although it seemingly appeared that they could do a lot more, in reality things were moving too fast.  They discuss how so many today don’t have anything written down and when the switch gets flipped they won’t know what to do.  Although we can read a digital Bible they encourage us to read a paper Bible.  There is something about handling a tangible Bible.  They share that if America was unplugged would you lose everything God said and shared with you.  They urge us to take the time to abide with God with a pen and paper and journal what God shares with you.  
Om Malik

“…..I forgot I had the ability to retain phone numbers….”

“……we are losing our human capabilities to machines in many ways………”


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Tags: Google, feelings, maps, smartphones, memory, phone numbers, human capabilities, apps, relationships, deception, scripture, virtually, dark ages, lights, storms, ignorant, dependent, paper, pencil, concordance, submitting, abiding


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