Home Prophecy Apostolic Church Arising: Tearing Down the Pastor Sacred Cows!

Apostolic Church Arising: Tearing Down the Pastor Sacred Cows!

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the rising of the Apostolic Church as they discuss Chuck Pierce’s recent correspondence where he discusses his new book co-authored by Robert Heidler The Apostolic Church Arising: Tearing Down the Pastoral Sacred Cow and Rebuilding God’s House for the Future! soon to be released.  They continued to discuss a recent prophetic vision given to Steve Bailey by God where God showed him how he was going to crush the “podiums” meaning where God’s truth was not preached.  They shared the account written about in Tommy Tenney’s book God Chasers where lightning struck a podium and drove the person behind it up against the wall.  God is going to take His Church back.  He gives gifts to the Church but they are not to Lord over the church.  The burden of carrying a religious monstrosity is over.  It’s time for the church to abide with God and share His message to His people. 

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