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Jesus and the Great Expectation; Then they WENT OUT

LISTEN NOW! Greg shares Jesus’ great expectation.  He shares how Dr. Ben Carson wrote in his book America the Beautiful that Islam was the fastest growing religion but not by conversion but instead by birth.  In order to know Jesus you must be born again.  God loves mankind but it is up to us as believers, to tell them.  Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that we can build and fill buildings.  Jesus told his disciples in Mark 16:20 “Then, the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it.”  God loves Muslims but you must tell everyone.  He continues to share how there must be a “then” in your life that causes you to do something for God.  You can’t go out if you are not a disciple.  A disciple is one who loves God and follows his ways.  His or her love compels them to tell someone about Jesus.  This is not a hard thing to do if we are truly His disciples.  If you can talk easily about the latest item you purchased you should be able to speak about the person you have received and who has forever changed your life.  It’s important to note that scripture says the disciples went out.  It’s not supposed to be a “come ye” church but rather a “go ye church”.  People are hungry to hear about authentic encounters with God.  The key is authenticity; even the Apostle Paul said that he did not come with enticing words but with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power.  God’s expectation is that we go out as his disciples, those who love him, to preach the kingdom of God.  The disciples preached everywhere and they did so in faith.  God’s word says that God will work with you confirming His word with signs.  You are not to follow signs but rather signs are to follow you and point back to Jesus.   He continues to share that when people experience the glory and power of God not to assume anything but to ask them if they want to receive Jesus as their Lord and savior.  It’s time to stir up your faith and to believe God and watch the revealing of God’s Glory unfold and lead them to Jesus Christ. 


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