Home Civil Rights & Civil Christianity in America John Paul Jackson’s Prophetic Headlines, What is Coming to America and World?

John Paul Jackson’s Prophetic Headlines, What is Coming to America and World?


  • Too Big to Fail – Fails – Nations Bank being pushed Decay in America – Is the Infrastructure of America beyond repair?
  • The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains ground
  • The Washington Monument tilts more, Delays announced to other Monument repairs
  • The Great divide – The new Normal on the Mississippi River
  • Washington DC Riots continue
  • Chicago up in Arms – Death Toll Mounts
  • Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?
  • New United America being Pushed – Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks
  • GPS loses it GPS – How Long Until We Know Where We Are?
  • Three Planes down from Solar Tsunami – Search Continues
  • Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo, 7 Million Dead, Another Million Missing
  • City Tunnels Closed after bomb
  • New Years Terror – Out With the New, in With the Old
  • Record Set for Number of Cities with Riot Curfews
  • Martial Law to be extended for 30 More Days
  • Military Cuts Number of Soldiers
  • Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas
  • Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading – Millions of fish dying
  • Blight in Grains Spreading
  • Drought Continues to cause Prayer to Rise
  • NFL Postpones all Games Until Answer Found
  • Does God Play Softball? – Hail the size of softballs destroy thousands of homes and Autos
  • The North Pole is Now Found in North Russia
  • Cyber Attack Cripples Grid – Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
  • More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found
  • Politics and Trust the new Oxymoron
  • What other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have? – Has Israel Played all it’s Cards?
  • Loss of Identity – The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
  • Radical Solutions Create Shockwave – Administration says, “We Ran Out of Answers”
  • Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca will be hit within minutes
  • Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South
  • Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
  • Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets
  • Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
  • Sysco Co and Kraft Considers Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family Budget
  • Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
  • Credit Markets Freeze Up
  • The New Face of Robinhood – Flash Mobs Loot Rich Neighborhoods












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